Saturday, April 30, 2016

Weather Woes ~ When nothing goes right, go left

I was a little bummed earlier this week when I saw the weekend forecast. Rain, and lots of it, on Saturday.  The girls and I were supposed to load up the Suzy Swede Creative goodies and do a 2-day show at Junkin' on the Hills in Nebraska City today and Sunday. The show is still going on and there should be tons of great junk vendors, whose already-rusty finds won't be hurt by the rain and humidity, so don't let the rain stop ya'll from shopping! However, I take a heat press and screen printed transfers with me to these shows to print shirts on-site, and the rain and humidity would just destroy them. My goal is to have an enclosed trailer or a funky camper by next year, so I won't have to worry about the weather so much in the future.  Jon and I were working on restoring a 1964 Forrester camper, but found that the frame and axles would have been dangerous, so we're on to Plan B with Project Camper. Save up for a new "retro" reissue.

Now for Plan B for the weekend. Move over Nicole Curtis! I'm heading up to Lincoln to do some more work on my rental house, which will hopefully, soon, be my former rental house. It's a seller's market in Lincoln for the first time in years, so here's my chance!  I already fixed this house up once, back in 2004-2005. Then, I moved to Weeping Water just as the big national housing market crashed. Yay me! I had a choice to either become a landlord or join the thousands of Americans going into foreclosure. That was a no-brainer, but I hate being a landlord. My personality is just not conducive to it. After renting it out for almost 11 years, it needs some major cosmetic work and just a little fixer-upper work. Thank God I have a super handy guy to help out. However, today I will be taping, painting, scraping, sanding, and Lord knows else.  I'm going to Rehab Addict the crap out of this place. Well, I hope there's no crap, besides the mouse variety I already found. It was cute & cozy once and it will be again!  If you know of anyone in the market for a house in Lincoln, near both campuses, stay tuned.

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